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The Specific Action Project on Tungkang River and Linpien River for Water Quality Improving and Pollution Reducing

ABSTRACT In addition to continuation of the control directions for Donggang River, this plan covers the business units along the bank of Linbian River to strengthen the control of unlawful discharge of business water pollution source and the inspection of concealed pipes, and carry out the work of business unit inspection and effluent water quality sampling and testing in an all-around way by means of counseling and prosecution, so as to reduce the business units' unlawful discharge in the drainage basins of Donggang River and Linbian River. During the period of the plan, inspection was conducted for totally 430 business units in stockbreeding/1,210 cases, including pollution source satellite positioning for 430 units, effluent water quality sampling and testing for 430 units/489 cases, 5 of which were prosecuted according to law due to unconformity to the discharge standards, 492 cases of settlement rate SV30 test for pigsties, and 430 cases of sludge inspection; meanwhile, the one-family-one-card data input and updating was finished for 430 units and the hierarchical inspection and control system was carried out. During the period of execution, totally 39 sites of suspected unknown pipeline or bypass discharge and 25 sites of bad effluent water quality were found, and advice notes were produced for 65 cases. After reexamination, 38 sites of unknown pipeline or bypass discharge were removed or blocked, and 1 site stopped the operation. Besides, it was found 20 stockbreeding operators conducted unlawful discharge, and there were 15 sites of suspected discharge through concealed pipeline. Among them, 2 sites of unclaimed concealed pipeline were closed by the Environmental Protection Bureau with a public notice given, and the other 13 sites were closed by the stockbreeding operators themselves with assistance provided by the Bureau. During the period of the plan, 6 River Watch Teams were adopted and 7 training meetings were held, and 8 times of assistance was provided to help the River Watch Teams participate in the propaganda-related activities, including experience exchange meetings, “Love Rivers, Cherish Water Resources” noontime water activity, the 2006 World Environment Day-River Watch, and the “Happy Go”visit to artificial wetland organized by the volunteers of Liousing Community, and the like. Additionally, the teams also participated in the Ocean and River Emergency Response Exercise and Equipment Operation Lecture and the Southern Taiwan Ocean Pollution Response Exercise held by the Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County. It is expected that, through the organizing of lectures and exercises, the work teams can improve their abilities to respond to the oil pollution incidents, and effectively shorten the time of oil pollution disposal and reduce the range of pollution with better understanding the operation of equipment.
One-family-one-card hierarchical control, unlawful discharge, concealed pipeline, bypass discharge